=============================== Upgrade existing Plone packages =============================== bobtemplate.cfg =============== To upgrade an existing Plone package, to work with the new sub-templates and also the plonecli. You simply need to add a bobtemplate.cfg with some content like this:: [main] version = 5.2 template = plone_addon python = python3.7 The version is used to make a difference in some templates, either for Plone 5 or Plone 4 packages. You can always create an addon package with the plonecli and copy over the bobtemplate.cfg in your old package. other files =========== You should have at leased a requirements.txt and a buildout.cfg file. But it's recommended to add the following files from a generated addon package into your existing package: - requirements.txt - constraints.txt - constraints_plone52.txt - constraints_plone51.txt - test_plone52.cfg - test_plone51.cfg - tox.ini Folder structure ================ Since this package expects a specific folder structure, you should compare it to your existing structure and adjust it, where needed. Upgrade steps ============= The upgrade_step sub-template uses an upgrades folder to create upgrade steps in it. Therefor you should adjust existing upgrade step configuration to it. You can have a look at `Products.EasyNewsletter `_ where this was done.